
Player Info

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Harry Toffolo

Nationality: England

Club: Nottingham Forest

Birth Place: England
Age: 28 - 1995-08-19

Current Club Info

Current Club: Nottingham Forest
Position: Left Back
Squad Number: 15

Current Playing Stats

Minutes Played: 1346
Games Featured:
Starting 11: 14
Subbed On: 7
Subbed Off: 3

Attacking Stats

Goals: 1
Shots: 8
Shots on Target: 5
Dribble Attempts:
Fouls Won: 2

Defensive Stats

Tackles: 25
Blocks: 1
Pass Interceptions: 13

Passing Stats

Passes: 421
Accurate Passes: 320
Pass Accuracy: 76.01%
Key Attacking Passes: 18
Assists: 3

Discipline Stats

Fouls: 17
Yellows: 3
Second Yellows:
Straight Reds:

This page contains the playing stats for Harry Toffolo who currently plays for Nottingham Forest. Player stats based betting has become more popular recently as sportsbooks have diversified their betting platforms, adding more markets and more opportunities to vary the types of bets we place.

With the addition of bet builder technology, you can now select markets based on player playing stats. You'll find most bookies offer the traditional goal markets like first goal scorer, any scorer and scorecasts with both first and anytime selection. But if you venture into the bet builder tool, you'll find selections from cards markets (player to be carded in the match, players to assist a goal, players with the most tackles or specific range, passes and shots on target. Some bookies might also offer goals types by player like player to score a header, to score a hattrick or to score a penalty.

The odds for player markets are mostly longer than team based betting, which means the price is bigger. Picking a first goal scoring player is a lot harder than picking which team might score first. Occasionally you might have odds on bets for first time scorers if you're betting on the league's top scorers, but for the most part, player betting has an extra layer of risk because its harder to predict. So if you like player based betting, we recommend keeping the stakes lower than your team based betting as a more responsible betting approach.

Popular player FAQs

What position does Harry Toffolo play?

Harry Toffolo's current recognised position is Left Back.

What shirt number does Harry Toffolo wear?

Harry Toffolo currently wears the number 15 shirt.

Where is Harry Toffolo from?

Harry Toffolo is from England

How many games has Harry Toffolo played this season?

In the current league season (not including cup games) Harry Toffolo has played a total of games. 14 of those have been from the starting lineup.

How many goals has Harry Toffolo scored this season?

In the current league season (not including cup games) Harry Toffolo has scored 1 goals.

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